批踢踢實業坊 movie 板
[多雷] 分歧者最新X-men最新300壯士骸骨之城
Jul 22nd 2014, 15:18, by a75088285

作者a75088285 (活在回憶中的回憶)


標題[多雷] 分歧者最新X-men最新300壯士骸骨之城

時間Tue Jul 22 15:17:59 2014

嗯,再加一片世界異戰,待業中太閒了, 評價都...不怎麼樣,然後因為我很懶所以有一些我打英文就不再重寫了。 有沒有當個版....嗯,還好吧?好歹也是影評耶,所以有問題再說吧。 分歧者 l saw divergent, still, it's the ugly girl worked out in sort of campus life, first departed from parents, got slam in new life by assholes, but slam back because she was special, so special that she could do what ever she want but with consequences. she, a divergent means the kind of people who don't think normally, and can't be controlled easily , and that is it. then main actress got a handsome teacher aside so she could afraid nothing. but in an event to save her parents from her brain-controlled group, she let her parent sacrificed themselves for her anyway, then society traced her so she fled with the handsome, and his father, her young brother, one girl and three man l don't know why. 300壯士2 sparta 300 episode 2, amaze yourself that sex scene is like battle, slow-motion and fighting faces, which you fight with you face. And battle scene were also like sex scene, repeatedly and with lots of juice, then you'll get bored real quick. at first spartans was asked to help, at the end spartans said yes, end of the story. X戰警未來明日 X-men days of the future past, good movie! but did you remember the trailer of it? Xavier said "l don't want your future." with stupid accent. It's actually saying it when he saw the mind of the wolverine who used his stubborn brain to brought his conscious from future to his past body, so when young professor said he don't want this, wolverine told him skip this part and saw professor's own memory. then after he saw it he said OK, l'll take that future. end of the story. 天使聖物 天使聖物:骸骨之城,唉,天使聖物是聖杯,骸骨之城...只看過一次吧,就是涅法雷姆 的公墓,然後住在公墓裡可以吸收能量,這件事其實一點也不重要,我看完才想起來電影 的名字。 女主角滿正的,但我覺得她媽更正,然後這其實滿重要的,不然我再看一次女主角醜得像 分歧者的女主角一樣的話我會心痛。然後又是學院戲碼,養著一群藉由符文刺青達成各樣 效果的涅法雷姆,就天使跟人混血的後裔。 這齣戲沒天使只有惡魔跟有的沒的西方鬼怪,還有這部片會看到史上最讚的惡魔狗,我覺 得他可以跟惡靈古堡的狗狗比酷,因為很少有電影寧願把狗做得那麼認真而其他壞人還比 較像跑龍套,壞人都只會拿刀架在別人脖子上說屁話。 結果其實她哈到的人是她親哥哥,今天的魔王是她爸,她的宅宅好朋友在被吸血鬼咬到視 力恢復不用帶眼鏡之後又因為她哈到的人是她親哥哥所以理所當然跟她在一起,可喜可賀 。 不過她們之前遇到西血鬼都把他們幹掉了耶,鬼曬到太陽會死耶,這些都沒講怎麼就結束 了?她爸被她塞了個假聖杯推進任意門(每個學校的必備設備)然後他們把任意門打爆了, 醬醬~ 世界異戰 世界異戰,就都在洛杉磯打這樣,主角是南茲,嗯SSgt在台灣是上士的意思,不過沒差, 因為他上一次任務其他人都死了,所以這次大家都討厭他,他們那班從洛杉磯的警察局回 到前線指揮部死了一半的人,然後還帶了三個小孩兩個大人跟路上撿到的幾隻兵,有趣的 是我從頭到尾都沒看到第三個小孩,呵呵。 回去之後發現總部被炸了,所以他們撿一台裝甲車跟汗馬去撤離點,圖中碾了不少外星人 ,對了外星人就像透抽,像透抽拔出來的內臟然後頭是飛碟型的,再穿上内嵌式機器裝, 噁。 然後他們發現外星人的飛機是遙控的,所以回去的路上他們自願跳機去偵察那塊好像因為 訊號太強所以停電的地方,然後就找到了藏在地下伸一根出來當天線的外星人指揮部,他 們就很辛苦撐到飛彈飛過來標定指揮部炸掉然後敵人就撤退了,不知道為什麼,如果有人 來炸了我家而且才七個人我好歹也把他們炸了再撤退好嗎? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: ※ 文章網址:

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