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歐巴馬坦承 美低估IS威脅
Sep 29th 2014, 05:05

法新社 – 

(法新社華盛頓28日電) 美國總統歐巴馬今天坦承,美國低估了敘利亞土崩瓦解將提供伊斯蘭激進分子重新整軍經武、捲土重來的可能。



歐巴馬表示:「我認為我們的情報部門負責人克萊佩(Jim Clapper)已坦承,他們低估了在敘利亞境內所發生的事。」克萊佩是美國國家情報總監。


A car hit by a teargas canister burns as riot police use teargas to disperse Kurdish demonstrators as thousands of Syrian refugees continue to arrive at the border in Suruc, Turkey, Monday, Sept. 22, ... 較多 
A car hit by a teargas canister burns as riot police use teargas to disperse Kurdish demonstrators as thousands of Syrian refugees continue to arrive at the border in Suruc, Turkey, Monday, Sept. 22, 2014. Turkey opened its border Saturday to allow in up to 60,000 people who massed on the Turkey-Syria border, fleeing the Islamic militants’ advance on Kobani. (AP Photo/Burhan Ozbilici) 較少 

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